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How to run an event

We’ve run hundreds of LGBTQ+ events, collaborating with individuals, community groups and organisations across London.

We’re always up for hearing about events you’d like to run!

Check out more details here on how to run an event at our Centre. If you can’t find a question you’re looking for, email [email protected].

Who can run an event at the London LGBTQ+ Community Centre?

Our calendar is made up of dozens of events run by LGBTQ+ groups and individuals.

Anyone who is LGBTQ+ can run an event at our space.

You don’t have to be part of a group, or a professional organiser to propose an event!

What kind of events do you put on at the London LGBTQ+ Community Centre?

Any event that serves the LGBTQ+ community will be considered. We’ve run everything from line dancing to mental health support groups before.

Priority will be given to marginalised groups within the community and those that otherwise wouldn’t be able to secure a space.

What we’re unable to provide at the London LGBTQ+ Community Centre

Here are a few things we aren’t able to provide:

  • Full scale and/or professional AV equipment
  • Storage space
  • Long term “desk share” space
  • Security staff
  • An accessible toilet*

*We currently use a nearby accessible toilet, which is about 5 minutes away. We have recently secured a grant to build an accessible toilet and will update on this soon.

When is the London LGBTQ+ Community Centre open?

Our opening hours are from Wednesday to Sunday at 11am-8pm.

You can book space most between Thursday to Sunday from 12-8pm.

We’re not currently able to open later than these times. Please note some events may share the space with others, especially on the weekend.

Do I need to pay to book space for an event?

Our space is free for most non-profit and community groups and is charged at a sliding scale for groups that pay. This starts from as low as £10 an hour.

We don’t pay facilitators for running events. But we’ll work with you to ensure that you’re paid fairly through ticket sales, if you want to charge. Our tickets have a pay what you can option and we set aside some free tickets for people on lower incomes.

Get in touch if you’d like to run an event!

If you would like to run an event get in touch with us at [email protected].

Please include a brief description of your event, the size, possible dates, format and access needs. We have a small team who mostly work part-time, so we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

What are the next steps after emailing about my event?

We’ll look at your event and try to find a suitable time for you in the calendar. We try not to say no to events, but may propose some changes to make it more suitable for the community.

After we agree a date we’ll send you a form for some essential information. From there we’ll set up ticketing and promotion for you.

How can I run a regular event at the London LGBTQ+ Community Centre?

If you want to hold a regular event then we’ll run a test event first to make sure it’s suitable for our community. After this, we can look at coordinating a regular slot in the calendar.

After any event you’ll be asked to complete another form giving some feedback on how it went, how it was organised, and any areas we can improve in.

We can’t wait to hear about your event!

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