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K. Blair

  • Poems


she collects fruit
that bruises
fruit that bleeds
washed down
with dandelion wine

           N E A T  
                   L I T T L E          
                              S L I C E S

peach pits
cherry stones
she handles the
knife with a

                   surgical precision
                      she handles me
                        with equal skill
                     her desire to get
                         under my skin

is an impulse
towards vivisection
not taxidermy
she doesn’t want me
stuffed and still

    how else would she enjoy
          the quiver of my thigh
               and the salt lick dip
                    of my collarbone

          –  K. Blair


K.Blair is a bisexual poet, currently based in London. A Proud member of London Queer Writers, she helps to run a monthly LGBT poetry night in Dalston Junction called SPEAK =. She has been published in the XX Poetry Anthology, Spoken Word London’s Anti-Hate Anthology and The Valley Press Anthology of Prose Poetry. You can find more of her work @kblairpoetry on tumblr.

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