The London LGBTQ+ Community Centre is a campaign to set up an inclusive, sober, intergenerational community space in London for LGBTQ+ people across Britain. We’re looking for a team of finance, fundraising, income and business development experts to join our team and help us make the London LGBTQ+ Community Centre a reality.
Our team of volunteers raised £100,000 in 2018 to get the project off the ground. Since then, we’ve conducted a detailed research study into the need of the centre in London, registered as a company, hired our first paid staff member and are on our way to securing charity status.
We’re currently working on an exciting pop-up community centre in central London, as well as planning a secondary research phase to understand if and how the community’s needs have changed since Covid-19, and how we can ensure our offer continues to meet their needs.
Our Board is keen to expand the financial expertise within the project, and as such is recruiting for a new committee focused on finance, fundraising and income.
It will be the responsibility of this group to advise the board on all matters relating to finance, including generating income and balancing expenditure, holding adequate financial reserves, examining proposed budgets and ensuring finances are audited appropriately.
Individuals with a track record of generating significant income through fundraising or other means are particularly welcome.
Please email with a CV and any relevant details for a chat to be arranged to discuss the possible roles further.