We’re hosting an intersectional conversation with the wider LGBTQ+ community to contribute to the Mayor of London’s Adult Education Roadmap. Take part and have your say.
We’re partnering with LGBTQ+ charitable organisations and community groups to provide an intersectional lens on how LGBTQ+ people experience Adult Education, to contribute to the wider Roadmap consultation.
The questions we’ll be discussing include:
- What are the current barriers to taking part in different classes, courses, and training opportunities in London?
- Where do you currently go to do classes, courses, training or any other type of learning? How about for help getting a job?
- Where would you like to see more classes, courses and training opportunities? How can these be made as accessible as possible?
- What kind of resources or support would you like to help you find different classes, courses and training opportunities? How about to find job opportunities?
- What can be done to make sure that people doing classes, courses or training have the right digital devices and access to the internet?
- What ideas do you have to raise awareness about adult learning opportunities and encourage people in your community to do training, courses, or other kinds of classes?
- How would you describe adult learning to your community to encourage them to take part?
LGBTQ+ Community Conversations
Our Community Conversation event is taking place at:
The Glasshouse, 118 Bethnal Green Road, London, E2 6DG
Monday 23 August
We have 25 slots for LGBTQ+ Londoners to have their say. There is no fee for taking part, but refreshments will be provided. We will be ensuring social distancing, ventilation and will make sure there is plenty of space. We ask all participants to please wear a mask.
To ensure the diversity of the LGBTQ+ community is represented, please register your interest using our form below and we will be in touch to confirm your place.
If you require a BSL interpreter or have any access requirements, please reach out to let us know at bisila@lonodnlgbtqcentre.org.