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LGBTQ+ flag bunting hanging from the walls at the London LGBTQ+ Community Centre. Plants, sitting on top of a bookcase with board games on, are visible.

Research: Tell us about your experience at the Centre

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Tell us about your experiences at the Centre!

We’d love to hear about your experiences at the London LGBTQ+ Community Centre!

To ensure we’re continuing to support the community, we’re asking visitors, facilitators, partner organisations and volunteers about how the Centre has impacted you – from health and wellbeing, to community connections and signposting services.

How to participate:

1:1 interviews

Sign up for an interview in person or online.

Interviews will take approximately 45 minutes, everything you say is confidential and you’ll be offered a £10 voucher as a thank you for taking part.

Focus groups

You can also attend a focus group.

We have focus groups for LGBTQ+ Black people and trans folks coming up in September.

You’ll be offered a £10 voucher as a thank you for taking part.

Feedback forms

You can also give your anonymous feedback online here and you will be entered into a monthly prize draw and could win a £20 high street voucher. In August, our prize draw is a £20 high street voucher and two tickets to a gig of your choice (subject to availability) at the Roundouse.

Community Listening Day

On Saturday 31 August, from 1 to 5pm, we’re hosting a Community Listening Day!

We are planning different workshops for you to give us feedback in the most creative way. Plus, there will be free lunch provided by Coco di Mama.

+ About the project

Our vision is for a more connected, belonging and thriving LGBTQ+ community in London – after two and a half years open, we want to continue understanding how we’re contributing to this.

This research will be key in helping us show our impact to current and future funders, therefore securing the future of the Centre.

So we would love you to tell us about your experience at the Centre!

We want to celebrate the positives and improve what we offer. This will help encourage new people to come in and make sure we keep offering events that people want. So your views will be extremely helpful.

We especially want to know:

  • How coming to the Centre impacts visitors’ health and wellbeing
  • How the Centre helps visitors feel they belong within LGBTQ+ communities
  • How useful and effective our signposting services are
  • How well we reach marginalised groups

Interviews and focus groups are confidential and no-one will be identified in the final report. All your data will be stored in line with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).  

Please note we won’t be able to interview everyone who submits their interest if we’re oversubscribed. We will keep you updated on future research opportunities.

If you would like to know more about the research project please email our Research Lead, Helen, at [email protected].

Lots of love, 

The London LGBTQ+ Community Centre team x 

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