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What’s on this week: 23-29 September

Queer Walking Group, Peer Support Group for Adenomyosis, Endometriosis and/or PCOS (online) and Queer Life Drawing at the London LGBTQ+ Community Centre this week.

Monday 23 September

6:30-8 Bi the Way (50+ group)

Tuesday 24 September

6-8 Peer Support for Navigating Eating Disorders and/or Body Dysmorphia (online)

Wednesday 25 September

8-9 LGBTQ+ Ballet
9:30-10:30 Wellness Hour
9:30-6 LGBTQ+ Coworking Space
7-8 NA Queer to Stay – part of UK Narcotics Anonymous (no booking required, Centre closed during) 

Thursday 26 September

11-12 Yoga
112-5:30 Centre open
6-8 Queer Life Drawing (Centre closed during)
6-8 Peer Support Group for Adenomyosis, Endometriosis and/or PCOS (online)

Friday 27 September

11-12 Yoga
12-8 Centre open
1-3 50+ Friday Social (no booking required)

Saturday 28 September

11-12 Yoga
12-8 Centre open
1-3 LGBTQ+ Polish Language Meetup
3-5 Helix Hunt: a genetic bingo
3-7 LGBTQ+ Board Games

Sunday 29 September

10:30-11:30 Breathwork
12-1 Community Meditation
12-2 Queer Walking Group (meetup spot TBA)
1-8 Centre open
1:30-4:30 Queer Chat and Craft

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Quick Escape